The Crown Family Lines

Crown Family Lines

The Imperial Matriarch
Her Imperial Majesty The Empress Shebah Debra Amelia Sai-Kasambu’Ra Dynastic line

Brief Introduction
The Queen of Sheba. The Queendom of Sheba Monarch and Head-Of-State of The African Kingdoms Federation
A fourth-generation Citizen of the OAS-Organization Of American States from birth to present Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba is the Imperial Matriarchal Empress of Nubian Nation Nubia-Sheba/Kush and Ancient Nubia-Egypt / Seba and Sheba ancient Yemeni Sabaean Mother Throne of Thrones. The Americas-born African Continent South-South descendants Sabaean descendent royals was in the year 2000 enthroned as the first Crown IMPERIAL Royal born within the OAS-Organization of American States community 35 Member States of The Americas, to sit on the root ancestral ASASI Mother Throne of Thrones of the Kingdoms and Nations of Africa. Her Imperial Majesty The Imperial Matriarch H.I.M Empress Shebah Debra Amelia Sai-Kasambu’Ra - Queen Shebah III The Queen Of Sheba is The Crown Monarchial Head-Of-State and ruling President of the Queendom Of Sheba Crown Government, and, the Head-Of-State-Of-Kingdoms of The African Kingdoms Federation of South Kingdoms of the former MAA Confederation. (See History)

The Crown Family
Rise from Ancestral Hereditary to Present-day Recognized Sovereignty in 2021
During the years 2000 to 2021, a series of events each of important relevance in Africa and America's history transpired. The year 2000 to 2009 enthronements and coronations of the Shebah III. The 2003 African Union established the Sixth Economic Community of its citizenry, or emigrated citizenry living outside of the African Union. The 2013 Nubia-Sheba Kingdoms recognition of the transatlantic diaspora of the colonial era, the 2021 African Union agenda of 'The African Renaissance''. And, the 2021 Governmental AU 35th Session and Presidency Nation DRC Mai Ndombe decree, and agreements that formed the Imperial Queendom of SHEBA present-day capital realm as the royal Kingdoms Continental Capital. That after a 21 years journey, and, recognitions by African and International Governments, saw the Queen of Sheba, the Queen of the ancestral South Kingdoms established, as the 4th Recognized Sovereign Monarch in Africa. At present the Queen of Sheba is Head of the 45th Monarchy, the 30th Crown Monarch in the world. And, the first-born ruling Crown Monarch from within the OAS / Caribbean and South-Americas Community, of a Royal Realm in Africa or globally.

The Crown Family Ancestry
The Crown Parentage and Dynastic Succession lines
Her Imperial Majesty was born in the Americas on 19.09.1963 in the southernmost southeast twin-islands Nations State of Trinidad & Tobago, of migrated MENA-Middle East - Northeast-Africa and South Europe royal, and noble lines shared ancestry. Unlike its twin-island nation Tobago, Trinidad is the Southernmost Southern East Islands of the South Caribbean and situated on the South-American Continent plate neighbors of Venezuela.
The Crown Monarch of the Queendom of Sheba, the Queen of Sheba is a family member of the MENA Solomonic bloodlines Imperial and Royal Throne Family of the Sovereign Imperial House of Sheba from both maternal and paternal side of the House of Sheba (Africa and Arab lines of Middle-East and Northeast-Africa) Egypt. The royal families’ lines include the Middle East and ancient Israel, with main lines from Yemeni to Iraq and Turkey, and covering Africa. With primary lines bloodlines Egypt, Libya, Sudan East Africa across to Ghana West-Africa then into Central Africa Congo and Southern Africa migrated Northeast Africa Bloodlines. The Imperial and Royal family OAS-Organization of American States' direct Primary lines includes Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean.
The Crown Family presents Monarch and Succession lines collectively as a family including the European Nations of; the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, France, Russia, Spain, Portugal, and extended family primary lines of Asia which include India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and China. Forming still today the most global and cosmopolitan Imperial and Royal Bloodlines and Royal House of past and present history.

The Mother of Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba and HH Marcus II the sole two Children of the marriage Queen Mary VII and the Late Michael II

Michael II and Mary VII The Parents of Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba

The Mother Of the Queen off Sheba. Great-Grand Matriarch Throne-Mother Queen Mary-Janet VII

The Mother Of the Queen of Sheba. Great-Grand Matriarch The Imperial Throne-Mother Queen Mary-Janet VII

The Queen of Sheba and Son Crown Prince Andrew being welcome by the Nubia-Sheba Sudan family lines.

The Queen of Sheba being welcome by the Nubia-Sheba Sudan family lines.

The Queen of Sheba and Son Crown Prince Andrew being welcome by the Nubia-Sheba Sudan family lines.

The Queen of Sheba and Nubia-Sheba Sudan family lines.

The Queen of Sheba Sudan family lines.

The Daughter of Mary-Janet VII & Michael II of the African Royal Kingdoms HOUSE OF SHEBA Kasambu ‘Ra Ruling House
Her Imperial Majesty The Imperial Matriarch Empress Shebah Debra Amelia Kasambu’Ra – Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba is the daughter of Her Royal Majesty Queen Mary-Janet VII and His Royal Majesty King Michael II. Her Majesty is the Firstborn maternal sides Granddaughter of HIM The Late Imperial Matriarch Iris Mary II and paternal sides Granddaughter of Matriarch Josephine III, of the Americas Organization of American States-OAS South-Americas/South-Caribbean Americas North-Trinidad Born Northeast-African Lines Nubia-SHEBA of shared Levant, Northern and Southern-Middle-East and Northeast-Africa MENA Ruling Nubian Nation Nubia-Sheba Egypt lines of maternal and paternal sides grandparents. Her Imperial Majesty The Imperial Matriarch Empress Shebah – Queen Shebah III is the Throne-head of the House of Sheba Nubian Nations descendant African Kingdoms Federation-AND and dual Middle-East North-Africa South Lines Sheba Kingdoms and Arabia-Southern House of Sheba Arab-African Federation of the South Imperial Matriarch.

The Trinidad and Tobago GOVERNMENT
National Authority Library Information Service House Of Sheba Information
The House of Sheba Royal Family's brief history can be found in the Government of Trinidad & Tobago National Authority Library Information Service (NALIS), in the Heritage Library Biographies under subject S – Z, under the name title Empress Shebah ‘Ra. A Text copy from the site is hereunder.
Copy Library Transcript of The Government of Trinidad & Tobago National Library And Information System Authority – NALIS
EMPRESS SHEBAH 'RA - QUEEN SHEBAH III Queen of the Sheba Imperial African Kingdoms Descendant Nations
Trinidadian-born Northeast-African Royal, Her Imperial Majesty Empress Shebah ‘Ra – Queen Shebah all was born in 1963 in Diego Martin, Trinidad, the 4th generation of migrated Nubian-Kushites of Nubia-Sheba Sudan, North-African Royals Ancestry. Queen Shebah III, like all of the family, lived a normal unassuming life in Trinidad and Tobago and attended the Diego Martin Girls Roman Catholic School, and later Providence Girls Convent in Belmont, Trinidad.
Shebah III was born on September 19th, 1963 to Asere - Kasambu 'Ra lines descendants, H.R.M Prince Michael I and H.R.M Queen Meryre/Mary 'Ra VII, the daughter of the late Nubian Imperial Matriarch Iris Meryre II, in Trinidad and Tobago, holding in accordance to Imperial Kingdoms tradition at birth as future Matriarch, the title of Imperial Queen, Shebah The Third. Shebah The Third is the Sovereign Imperial Empress of the African Nubian Nations’ Imperial Empire Kingdom of Sheba. The Sheba Imperial Empire Kingdoms is the Matriarchal Empire of Nubian Royal Kingdoms Nation throughout East, West, North, Southern, and Central Africa Sheba/Nubia descendant Nations Lines of Africa`s over 350 Major Empire Kingdom Nations and several thousand of the Royal Kingdoms and Chiefdoms Nations on the African Continent.
H.I.M. Empress Shebah `Ra – Queen Shebah III is the firstborn Granddaughter of the late Imperial Empire Matriarch Iris Meryre II and a great-descendant Granddaughter of the Nubia-Sheba Royal Throne lines of King Abdul Shibah III. Shebah III is of the Northern Shibah Lines House of 'Ra - Asere Kasambu'Ra, 2nd Millennium 7th Dynasty Kingdoms Lineage of the Empire Kingdom Lines Nations of Sheba Imperial Empire of the descendant Empires and Royal Kingdoms Nations of Africa, of the House of Ra, Matriarchal Throne Line. The House of Ra is not an Islamic line, though the Empire Kingdom has both Islamic and non-Islamic Kingdom Nations under the Matriarchal Throne. It is from the origin of the Christian and traditional spiritual practices and beliefs lines. The Imperial Empire lines were a separate family line/branch of the Thrones’ Islamic Royal lines of the Kingdom of Nubia descendants of present-day Nubia. The lines separated several centuries ago. (NALIS BIOGRAPHIES S-Z )

Wall Pictures Features: Her Imperial Majesty The Empress of the Nubian Nation
Queen Shebah III The Queen of Sheba with family in Sudan