
2000 Coronation to Africa’s Ancestral Nubia-Sheba Highest Throne
Her Imperial Majesty was in yearturn 1999 to 2000 elevated with traditional rites coronation start as H.I.M The Imperial Matriarch Empress Shebah – Queen Shebah III the Queen of Sheba the 7th House, 7th Throne that of the ASASI The Queen Of Queens, which was followed by the 2000 unification of the Kasambula and the Kasambu 'Ra (House of 'Ra), Throne family lines. This ushered in the start of The ASASI 7th Throne rites of further Queen Thrones and Queen-Grand-Mother of Thrones coronation. This followed in 2006 Sudan Nubian ASASI Throne Rites, 2007 enthroned as HRM Queen Abena Nyamtche I Queen of Pinango and Abron, 2008 HRM Yoomo Guatele Quartey I of ASASI-ASERE Ruling Quartey family and 2009 Queen-Grand-Mother Of Queens HRM BONZIBA V of Gomoa Aykemfo. Thus Egypt Nubia ancestral Tradition completed over one decade of ceremonies and rites. Five Thrones and the respective hundreds of Kingdoms thereof, and 5 Throne names of the Imperial Matriarch alongside with the highest covering the all of the NUBIA-SHEBA Thrones and Kingdoms the 7th Throne of Mother Queendom, the Queen Of Sheba.
Coronation Rites Process as The Imperial Matriarch the Queen of Sheba
From December 31st, 1999 to 2000 the Queen was coronated by strict royal traditions starting the New Year at midnight, year change of 2000 in reign, as the South Throne Queen the Queen of Sheba, without fanfare, during a traditional rites process. This was immediately followed by throne lines ruling Matriarchal Kasambu ’Ra/House of 'Ra lines and Patriarchal Kasambula House throne unification. The patriarchal Kasambula house is seated by HRH King Adam II the Ugandan-born lines Patriarch of the South-Sudan Nubians East Africa lines in Bombo Uganda and Kenya. This throne rites ceremony saw to the unification of that line with the ruling Mother Throne of Sheba, Nubia-Egypt lines. That ceremony was held in the Netherlands at the start of 2000 and completed in 2001 in the Netherlands in honor of the House of Sheba extended lines family of the present Dynastic House related birth, and covered by the local regional news of Brabant and the Telegraph. Coronation rites continued into 2006 within the Egypt-Nubia North-Sudan lines in North Sudan, and Sheba Sudan family lines, in Sudan. In 2007, the Queen led the continent’s Federation's first major AKF Summit which was hosted in Libya, by that Government during the Tripoli and Sirte celebration of the AU Anniversary.
(Hereunder is an old scan Express News Photo of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Shebah III and His Majesty King Adam II on the evening of Their Majesties 2000 Coronation Ceremony as the King and Queen of Nubia, with the Crown Children Princess Vanessa-Shavonne, Prince Yur'ay-Andrew, and youngest Prince Armando-Jacob, the three children of Her Majesty.

Coronations Rites THRONE Seats Process 2000 - 2014
Her Royal Majesty
Shebah III The Queen of Nubia
In 2000 was the coronation of the African continent Nubia-Sheba Kingdoms mother throne Queen of Sheba, Queen of Nubia, as the Queen of Nubia East African Nubian Nation alongside HRM The Sultan King Adam II the King of The East-African Nubian Nation.
Her Imperial Majesty The Imperial Matriarch (HIM)
The EMPRESS Shebah 'RA - Queen Shebah III, Queen of Sheba
In 2000 Coronation Nubia-Sheba dual titles as The Imperial Matriarch, 'The Throne of Thrones Queen Of Queens’ Coronation 19-21.09.2000 Internal 9 months of rites start as Throne of Thrones and other coronations in the journey process 7 coronation titles, completed in 2009. Which alongside the aforementioned enthronements include further coronations rites as:
Her Royal Majesty
Queen Abena Nyametche I
In 2007, in Bondoukou Cote d’ Ivoire, the Queen of Sheba was enthroned by formal Akan coronation rites by West as Queen Abena Nyametche I, of the over 500 Thrones and Chieftaincies of Pinango and Abron of its seated King HRH Adou Bibi III.
Her Royal Majesty
’The YOOMO’ HRM Guateley Quartey I
In 2008, the Nubia Sheba-Ethiopia lines Nubian Ga Kingdom Nation Asere Family House ruling Quartey lines purification as (Ancient Wise Woman of White Hair) ‘’the YOOMO’ Guateley Quartey I, by the Queen's family House of Asere Ruling House of Quartey which is of the 1841 migrated lines family, to the Americas/Caribbean by invitation.
Her Royal Majesty
Great-Grand Mother Queen Bondziba V of Gomoa-Akyemfo
In 2009, the Queen was coronated as the Akan line of Thrones Great-Grand Mother HRM Queen Bondziba V of Gomoa-Akyemfo alongside HRM King Ampaaben and HRM Queen Kaadzi as Throne head.
Her Royal Majesty
Bae Naganglang of the 110 Indigenous Tribes of The Philippines, in Mindanao "The Promised Lands".
In 2014, after the Seoul Korea summit, Shebah III visited the Philippines, one of the many islands of old ancestral lines; whilst on a visit to Mindanao, Valencia, Bukidnon the Queen was made HRM Bae Naganglang of the 110 Indigenous Tribal Nations by the Philippines Tribal Nation Government, and full collaboration and support formally by that Head of Indigenous Nations Government, and region.

Her Imperial Majesty Empress Shebah III and His Majesty King Adam II in 2014 Uganda

Queen of the East Africa lines rites process from 2000 - 2009 Rites was completed in 2014, in Uganda
In 2014 the Queen with King Adam II completed the 2000 - 2009 coronations rites process which started with the coronation as the Queen of Nubia alongside His Majesty King Adam II the Nubian King in the year 2000. The Nubia-Sheba Imperial Matriarchal Throne of Thrones the Queen of Sheba, covering the root lines of the continent’s descendants Sheba sub-thrones in the MENA/ East-Africa 2000 – 2009 West Africa coronations. Further rites were completed in Kampala within the South-Sudan/South-Nubian Nation Community, in Bombo Uganda in December 2014 around the East African Nubian Nation Throne.

OAS-Organization of American States community Nubia-Sheba Royals 2004 Recognition – The Sovereign Imperial House of Sheba, ruling Sovereign Imperial Throne of Thrones House of ‘RA.
In 2004, the Organization of American States community born House of Sheba Royals was in customary ceremony of the Kingdoms and by the national court through Deed of Poll recognized with the Kasambu’Ra (House of 'Ra), name, as formalized with the House of Sheba Royal Lines in Africa, for the Americas lines, within the official title names of the Americas Head of Houses the Imperial Matriarch H.I.M The Empress Shebah Debra Amelia of House of 'RA (Kasambu ‘RA) – Queen Shebah III The Queen Of Sheba. In short Shebah 'Ra, and that recognition formalized as the Throne First Family of the Americas Kasambu’Ra/House of 'Ra Ruling House family community, of the in Africa Ruling Imperial House of this dynastic era, as of 2004.
The Imperial House name Kasambu’Ra, traditionally Kas Amsu ‘Ra, means “the Royal House of the Arisen Ones of the House of ‘Ra’.” And SAI, is the Queen of Sheba's marital title name from the marriage with the late Nubia-Egypt Ga and Akan ancestry Royal, HRM King Obodai Emmanuel SAI in 2009. The Sai name is at times used by the Empress and Queen formally in short, as HIM Empress Shebah – Queen Shebah Sai ‘Ra III of The Kasambu’Ra Royal House, of the Sovereign Imperial House of Sheba Imperial Crown Family.
This meant that the Organization of American States House of Sheba Bloodlines was then recognized by the recognition of the Queen, and the Kasambu’Ra Royal House was formally established as the Houses Royal name and title of KASAMBU’RA. And the nobility court of the Americas was thus born. With the thereafter succession bloodlines born directly of the Queen of Sheba descendent lines, carrying that root Royal House names of the Sovereign Imperial House of ‘Ra House of Sheba ruling Kasambu ‘Ra Imperial and Royal Family Houses of The House of ‘RA, formally.
The most Global and Cosmopolitan Royal House and Bloodlines in the World
The Sovereign Imperial House of ‘Ra House of Sheba ruling Kasambu ‘Ra Imperial and Royal Family is the most cosmopolitan of Royal House lines in antiquity and still today. The Family's direct lines include North-East Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.