Constitutional form

The Queendom is a Monarchy with a Monarchial form of Governance. Its Royal Government is ruled by the Queendom Monarch who is referred to as 'The Crown of Sheba'. The Monarch is the Supreme Head of Government, which is therefore referred to as the ''The CROWN'' Government, and represented, by the CROWN Prime Minister, Crown Deputy Prime Ministers, Crown Ministers, and Senators of The Crown Government, in the exercise of function in service to 'The Crown', the Queen.
The Queendom Governance constitution and structure is in many ways like that of a papacy in terms of the ancestral Nubia-Sheba Kingdoms, as divinely appointed authority of ancient, ancient thrones. Thrones are historically recorded and written in ancient books. The Queendom Crown Government is politically comparable to the post-2022 neutrality of Switzerland, with a high accent on finance and financial institutions establishment, financial empowerment, and facilitation towards growth.
With the similarity of the Papacy the throne recognizes as absolute Head God Almighty, and its ancient laws of staying out of the world's politics.
Protocols as such are:
The Crown and Crown Government does not involve itself or speak formally on matters of global politics or conflicts, outside of the development support of the Nations.
The Queendom Government does not involve itself in the internal politics or conflicts of any nation of the World, including within Africa directly, or indirectly as far as any African Government, or any Government outside of its realm and crown territory.
The Crown only steps in when in agreement or acceptance to a specific formal written request, and then only in an advisory capacity as Moderator for Peace based on the sacred principles of peace, this being done strictly at the request of the seated ruling Heads-of-State of that nation, in a closed private audience at the palace by crown invitation.
The Queendom support aim is the development and seeing that all the needs and tools of the nations are seen in support of the elected seated Governments, towards the collective rise of Africa and its people’s standard of living.
The Nubian Nation and its Queendom of ancient Sheba are the world’s first Civilizations. The root is within the Nubian Nation, led by its Kingdoms of ancient Sheba, and in many ways its future as far as Africa and our focus on development as nations an event greater Civilization in this new tomorrow, as Agenda.
Areas of Focus
The Queen of Sheba and Queendom supported areas of focus outside of the Queendom capital regions, are addressed by the Crown institutions and its Foreign Affairs Senate, and implemented in unity with the Queendom Crown formed 'Imperial Commonwealth of Nations of Africa', as roundtable G1 continental unity with inclusion of the ancestrally related Middle East/Asia. With focus on Economic Development, Social Development, Business Ventures, National Projects Financing, Culture, Sports, Community and Lifestyle.